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To Shocking For TV

Here you will find the evidence the American government does not want you to see

With so much evidence contained in Hawkins book proving scientifically the Apollo Moon landings had to been faked, why dont we hear about this stuff on the TV News. If it were anyone other than the American government the news media would be all over NASA about faking the moon landings, its so obvious.

For example take these next set of photos.  The two pictures on the left were taken at the Kennedy Space Center during the Apollo Astronauts training.  Now if you look closely at the two photos to the right, which NASA claims were taken on the moon it is obvious the images are identical matches.






If you are like most people, you have probably heard rumors of an independent research organization conducting an in-depth study on NASAs alleged Apollo missions. Their goal being to prove whether or not the American Moon Landings were real, using modern technology and advanced scientific reasoning. Well that rumor is correct and that is exactly what this group did. Until now they have kept their findings secret to avoid any type of American government intervention to conceal the truth.


They have just published their amazing findings in an epic book that will undoubtedly be rewriting the history books. Charles Hawkins book How America Faked The Moon-Landings, is a must have for everyone. It consisting of over 300 pages of never before seen evidence revealing, in detail, exactly how NASA staged the moon landings here on Earth and the amazing adventure they undertook to obtain this evidence.


When you receive your book you will immediately recognize this group of geniuses is much different than all the other people who have been claiming the American Government faked the Moon landings back in the 1960s and 70s, these people have actually proven it. As they clearly demonstrate, regardless how big NASAs budget is, they could not have changed the laws of physics.


This book provides the codes to revealing NASAs methods of deception. The obvious mistakes, the technical impossibilities, and many hilarious bloopers NASA had made are all clues used to unravel the mystery. Unfortunately, much of the evidence contained in this book is no longer available to the public since NASA has reclassified a great deal of it as top secret after news of this undercover research group project surfaced. You may want to consider buying a copy of this book as soon as possible, before it too mysteriously disappears like so much of the incriminating evidence related to the NASA Apollo Moon landing missions.

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Click on the pictures below and you will find a sneak preview of the amazing discoveries contained in this book.



Click on the picture below and tell us what you think you can see in this photo, which the astronauts claim they have taken on the moon.


If you have any comment or questions for us you can email us at

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