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Book Reviews

Book Review #1

This book is a must read. From the very beginning, we find that the author's attention to detail almost incredible.  Hawkins ability to unravel the truth behind the NASAs conspiracy and what it means to society is nothing short of remarkable.

Hawkins has literally taken a society perception of the American Government, and ripped it apart exposing their deepest hidden secrets.  Finally someone has written a book that isn't based on assumptions but scientific facts that offer a real eye-opening experience with information impossible to be find anywhere else.

Hawkins by nature is obviously rigorous in his exploration of conspiracy theories and does it very well, providing the answers to the Moon landing Hoax, The JFK Murder, the truth about Global Warning, the Earth Solar System and much more.  Prepare to find yourself a little scared and judging from Hawkins findings you should be.  If nothing else, share this book and its information with your family and friends; you'll have the time of your life merely considering the possibilities and discussing them among yourselves.  I am certainly glad to have the chance to read this remarkable book.  I would hope the author is in the process of a second edition. Once again - excellent job! 

From the Publisher

Charles Hawkins book "How America Faked The Moon Landings" is a fascinating in-depth account of how NASA and the American government faked the Apollo Moon Landings of the 1960s and 70s. From the moonwalks and rover rides to the return splashdowns, every step of the way you will see how the event was staged here on earth. Unlike the other books that make allocations that the moon landings were fake, this is the only book that shows you exactly how it was done. The authors goal is to provide space enthusiasts around the globe with accurate historical reference what really happened and why the United States found it necessary to fake the moon landings. This book contains many high-quality original NASA photos with obvious clues proving the moon landings were faked.

Book Review #2

This book is not just another conspiracy book

Charles T Hawkins is an exceptionally intelligent and gifted writer, undoubtedly the world greatest scientific detective of all time. This is the most comprehensive, detailed book out there on the subject, packed with information and statistics, yet it reads like a gripping novel...filled with government corruption, deceit and even CIA murders to conceal the truth. I encourage anyone and everyone to read this book, because it succeeds most notably in bringing to the eyes of the public things the American government has been keeping a secret from everyone. While most of us just sit back and instinctively accept the words spoken by the Almighty American Government, and refuse to even look or listen to any evidence to the contrary.  Hawkins writing style is exciting and defiantly not your garden-variety conspiracy, this is the real deal. I recommend you get one ASAP before the publisher start raising the price on everyone...

Book Review # 3

MOONBLOOPERS -How America Faked the Moon Landings                                                -by Charles T. Hawkins


From the editor of Scientific NASASE of Exploration Geophysicists this book delivers non-stop pumping action as it unravels one of the greatest mysteries of all time. Its filled with never before seen evidence detailing precisely how NASA faked the Apollo Moon Landings in a down-to-earth material analysis. The development is clear and logical, and quite easy to understand, a real masterpiece. Finally someone with intelligence and experience has offered to step up to the plate for the rest of us, and take on United States big government to set the story straight. Everyone should own a copy of this book.


The Scientific NASASE of Exploration Geophysicists, Association considered the Author of this books Charles T. Hawkins to be the foremost expert on NASAs Apollo Moon Missions and confirms his finding, to be accurate, adhering to modern day scientific principles.

Book Review # 4

Buy it now and you will be glad you did.

When this book came out I almost made the mistake of not buying it because several other so called experts on the topic wrote negative reviews. However since the book was much cheaper those experts books,  I decided to purchase a copy against their recommendation.

After getting the book I quickly realized this book is the most exciting book I have ever read and its worth ten times the amount. So I called some of the people who had written the negative reviews and discovered they had never read this and made up their negative reviews. Why would these people do such thing? After reading this book I think some of these other so-called experts switched from scientists to government CIA spin-doctors. I found this book very informative and it showing exactly how NASA could have easily faked every aspect of the moon landings here on earth.

Trust me, every person I have shown this book to including several scientists and physicists here at the college are very impressed with the book, they cant seem to stop talking about it, its that good! I found sharing this information is a lot of fun; some of my friends thanked me for clearing their eyes; dont be like me and listen to those other people, who have never read this book. Buy it now and you will be glad you did.

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